Tiankai Xie


Tiankai Xie

XAI | HCI | Visual Analytics

Tiankai Xie is currently a dedicated Postdoctoral Research Scholar at Arizona State University. His intellectual pursuits revolve around the captivating convergence of Interpretable Machine Learning, Human-Computer Interaction, and Visual Analytics. His mission is to unravel the intricate layers of technology, ensuring its accessibility through transparent AI algorithms. Simultaneously, he is committed to crafting seamless interfaces that enrich Human-Computer Interaction, creating intuitive connections between users and digital systems. Moreover, his expertise extends to the realm of Visual Analytics, where he meticulously deciphers intricate data patterns to facilitate insightful decision-making. With an unwavering commitment to pioneering research and engineering innovation, he ardently envisions a future where technology fosters unity rather than division, shaping a landscape where innovation harmonizes with human understanding.